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Food Matters

Food Matters program was developed by Dr Monika Spurek to assist cardiac patients in improving their metabolic and cardiac health. The program launched in February 2017 attending to many patients, not only those with established cardiovascular problems, but also those at high risk for cardiovascular complications.

The Food Matters program is dedicated to educate participants on healthier food choices and better nutrition. Food Matters is based on low carbohydrate (limiting sugar intake) way of eating. Those positive lifestyle adjustments often result in improved quality of life, weight loss in obese individuals, and better metabolic health in those with abnormal lipid profile, diabetes type 2, fatty liver, and many other health issues resulting from poor lifestyle choices. 

If you are interested in learning about low carb way of eating consider looking into resources, such as this little ebook which containst 100 very basic questions  and answers about low carbohydrate way of eating.

Referral from your primary care medical doctor is necessary to book your first appointment for the Food Matters program. During your first appointment you and the doctor will decide if you are the right candidate for the Food Matters Program.


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